One day you’re dead and that’s the way life is
One day you’re dead and that’s the way life is
but at church and Sunday School, nix, life be
-gins right when you croak because your soul goes
straightaway to Heaven for God’s judgement
as to whether you spend Eternity
in Heaven or Hell and I’m ten years old
and could fall into the fire says my Sun
-day School teacher since inordinately
is how I sin she swears--I think she means
I sin a lot but it’s only my share
is the way I see it and she sins, too,
I even told her so after class but
only started her bawling and when I
split she was still at it. I’d have dried her
tears but somehow it would’ve been a shame.
December 2023
Gale Acuff

Gale Acuff has had hundreds of poems published in fourteen countries and is the author of three books of poetry. He has taught tertiary English courses in the US, PR China, and Palestine. He lives in Arizona.